For Fans and Scholars Alike
Visual Studies Workshop Press, 1987
92 páginas, tiragem de 200 exemplares
Visual Studies Workshop Press, 1987
92 páginas, tiragem de 200 exemplares
Este livro é do gênero de livros auto-conscientes, suas páginas são compostas por pontuação e marcas abstratas, ilegíveis. O livro cria um grupo de páginas estruturadas, mas sua função é chamar a atenção para estas estruturas, mais do que usá-las de modo funcional. Há um curto-circuito na comunicação.
This book is in the genre of self-conscious codex, its pages are layout templates populated with punctuation and abstract, not quite legible marks. The book creates a set of structured pages, but their function is to call attention to such structures, rather than to use them in a vehicular way. The communication cycle is short-circuited. Carrión is intent upon showing the graphic language of book form and appreciating the aesthetic and rhetorical properties of these forms. Thus the call to attention for both fans and scholars, those who love the book form and those who use it. Carrión's output was limited, and his life brief, and the well-realized perfection of this small work makes it a reference point for work in the book format that references books as subject and object. (Johanna Drucker, no site artistsbooksonline. Outras imagens do livro estão disponíveis neste site.)
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